“Little Hannah is a delightful tale of a young girl who finds herself lost, alone, and searching for a place to call ‘home’. As a gentle story of a child’s adoption into God’s family, Little Hannah is a beautiful allegory to share about the love of God, and His heart to call them His own. Sharing this story with a child you love may open the doors of discussion about who God is and who He can become in their lives if they believe in Him.”

Kymberlee Stanley, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
School Counselor

Poiema Publishing

Poiema Publishing is born out of a heart to share the love of God through touching stories, metaphors, art, and bible verses. The word Poiema is a Greek word which means masterpiece, work of art, or created. God has crafted us uniquely with his own hands, each with our own personalities, talents, and interests. Understanding how God sees us encourages us to be our “true” selves, free to explore our special talents and interests.

“I will give thanks to God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are His works, and my soul knows it very well.” (Ps 139:14)


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